Vai posted a symbolic gesture
Thursday, September 14, 2023
We met 14 years ago. I remember thinking "this chick is cool!" We hit it off. Her personality lit up the room, everyone knew Rita and loved her! Rita was a genuine human being, who loved the Flyers, practical jokes, her cats, frog trinkets, pizza and "walking the dog" lol. My children loved her and gave her the name "Rated R Rita", because she dropped the "F" bomb a lot, and they would be giggling LOL!! Maybe that's why we got a long, there was no filter lol Rita was a riot and we were always laughing!! We started working together at Davis Elementary, and how the students took to her. As I walk into the building now, I will miss her smile and her saying "hey bitch"...that was Rita! Thank you for being awesome...for YOU! I love you Rita, this is not a good bye, but I will see you later! You will never be over your girls and Jim. Rock it up there my Virgo Sista! ~ always Vai